Humorous mystery author Sharon E. Buck grew up in northeast Florida and could read by the age of four probably because her mother figured that was the only way she could keep the small, highly energetic Sharon still long enough to get any housework done.
Opening up the wonderful world of her imagination with words, Sharon has always written short stories, international magazine and newspaper articles and then expanded into the world of writing books.

Sharon writes clean, funny, humorous mystery books with a Florida theme. And, yes, that’s Sharon skydiving on the left.

After living in numerous states and cities throughout the South, Sharon now currently resides in northeast Florida. She is a wee bit concerned she may have to move suddenly if people in her hometown of Palatka, Florida realize that her Parker Bell series is loosely (very loosely, according to her attorney) based on them. Sharon’s explanation is “I’m a good liar.” Wink, wink!

Sharon’s unique blend of humor, a dash of sarcasm, and witty twist of descriptive words makes her a favorite of thousands of readers worldwide.

When Sharon isn’t doing her favorite thing…writing…she enjoys walking her little rescue dogs, traveling, reading books, and cracking up her friends with funny stories and her wicked sense of humor.

Sharon is available for speaking engagements, zoom calls, and anything where she can connect with her readers. Email me:
