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Florida has its share of fun, mayhem, and craziness…and it’s not all from tourists either!
Parker Bell, a bestselling author and cyber security company owner, seems to find herself in hot water constantly in Po’thole, pronounced Po Ho by the locals and Pot Hole by anyone north of the Florida-Georgia line. The Lady Gatorettes, five hormonal, caffeine-and-sugar infused ladies who are diehard University of Florida football fans – Go Gators! – seem to find trouble and mayhem wherever they go.
Each book is a hilarious romp with wild murders, crazy characters, and believable enough that it might be true…although my attorney insists I say the stories are only loosely based on my hometown.
I’m just one of those lucky people who finds something funny in almost anything…so I write humorous books. My goal is to make someone laugh every day. My books are one way to spread a little joy and a lot of humor to your every day life. I hope you enjoy the books.

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